Thursday, September 30, 2010

More precious than rubies...

10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
      She is more precious than rubies.
 11 Her husband can trust her,
      and she will greatly enrich his life.
 12 She brings him good, not harm,
      all the days of her life.

 Wow, talk about big shoes to fill.  I like the idea of being a virtuous and capable wife, more precious than rubies, greatly enriching my husband's life, bringing him good, not harm.  Honestly, I don't really see myself as that woman - yet.  I know there's potential in there somewhere, and I believe it can come out!  But how?

I guess I can do a half tick on one of those points, greatly enriching Big M's life... with a half tick I'd say it's enriching his life.  We have 3 beautiful children together, I'm sure he'd say that's a plus :)  Perhaps with this selection of scripture it's wise to work backwards.  In order to become the woman in verse 10, I need to work on 12, which makes 11, simple right?

Bring him good, not harm.  As a woman of God, I know that I am not always right, not really perfect... so I know that I haven't always brought my husband good... and probably have harmed him in some way.  But that's the beauty of God's grace isn't it?  He steps in and bridges that gap between humanity and perfection.  God helps me bring good to Big M, helps me do right by him, and gives grace to my hubby when in those times of weakness I'm not bringing the good.

Practically I see it as listening to Big M, really listening to him.  He is the head of the house after all.  He makes the final decision on things.  And frankly, I'm glad he does.  I don't want that "final" responsibility on some of our decisions. But in order to support him in those decisions, I really need to accept them & stick by them... not bending the rules when I feel like it.  By doing this "all the days of my life" I will become a trustworthy wife, greatly enriching his life, being worth far more than rubies, a virtuous & capable woman.

Challenge this week for me?  Support Big M.  Unconditionally.  Let's see what happens!

Inspiration for today?  I purchased a book last week, and it has totally inspired me to entertain more... throw parties, dinner parties, bbq's (when we get one), coffee dates with the girls... total inspiration... I'd just like to paint the house first lol!

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