Saturday, September 25, 2010

Up for a dare?

I've been toying with the idea of studying Proverbs chapter 31... ooh... yes, you know the scripture, "THE WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER"  hmm... it is a little daring isn't it?  Set the challenge Lee, you can do it!  OK you've talked me into it :)  I will delve into each verse, and see what can happen in my life by aligning it with the Word of God.  You never know what could happen!  Ooh exciting.  So tomorrow I'll begin... lol, just like a diet?  NO!  I promise that my next blog (be it tomorrow or in the following few days) will rise to this challenge... let's see where it takes me.

If you're interested in what's been happening in our house this week though... well you don't really want to know... but I'll share anyway :)  We've all been a little "under the weather".  A friendly bug called Gastro has decided to come visit us, and has spent a little time with each family member, how generous.  The only two people in this house who didn't receive a visit were my cousin & her newborn baby who were staying with us, thank you Jesus the little bubby didn't catch it!  And they moved out into their own home yesterday... sniff sniff... they will be missed, but are not too far away so we can catch up a little more often than we had over the past few years.

We've had some entertaining moments during our eventful week, and are looking forward to church tomorrow where Mr R and Mr F are performing an item during the service, they're singing 2 songs with actions, cute factor 10+, really can't wait to see that... mental note, remember camera for church tomorrow.  I'm also playing the keys & songleading, so it will be a juggle to take pics then jump back on the keys for the worship... I'm sure I'll be fine, as long as I don't totally stack it on stage in front of everyone... here's hoping.

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