Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I just need a friend who's a millionaire...

Lol... how many times have we said that?  I'd love this, I'd love that, oh I want to go here or there... if only I had a very generous friend with lots of excess cash to give out!  I even began to pray for such a friend, "oh Lord, please send me a friend who has the capacity to bless my family with holidays at the beach, with plants in the backyard, with nice clothes and a huge tv"... not too much is it?

Then I hear a voice (not audibly, but you know what I mean)... very calmly saying "Lee, I am that friend" ... oh, you God?  Oh, yes!  Of course!  Have you ever read that scripture "every tree of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills" (Ps 50:10)... hmmm... yes.... everything in the world is His.  Are his hands not big enough to gather what I need?  AND if all I need is Him, then how much more am I actually blessed!  God is the friend who wants to bless, and adorn, and pour his love upon us.  Don't look elsewhere for your source of anything, go to Him!

My brother in law used to print up scriptures for me to memorise, then test me on them every week, I found it so annoying as a teenager, but now I love it, because they always spring to my mind, and today such a scripture is "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear" (Is 59:1).  Awesome isn't it?  God always hears, and he always saves... we need to acknowledge & trust him!

It's Big M's birthday today, 28 years old... ooh!  The kids & I went shopping this morning for him, I bought him the practical gift, a wall mounted guitar hook, two actually.  While the boys, armed with money from the grandparents, ran wild through Bunnings in search for something ridiculous, but of course something they thought Daddy would love... we came to a compromise and walked away with a torch, an organiser tool box (for all the little screws, nuts & bolts randomly rolling around his big toolbox), a gardening tool set with knee pad and of course a shooting star Christmas light for the front window!  Hee hee.  As stated in the previous post, greatly enriching Big M's life in all aspects :)

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