Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Operation Organisation!

Lee, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to FINALLY organise your home.  Gasp!  Seriously?  Is it possible?  I don't know for sure, but yesterday I embarked on my first few steps to organising my home.  Finding some inspiration from my gorgeous friend Jess http://myfamilyourhome.blogspot.com/ I went to Red Dot & purchased a whole lot of baskets... $100 later I looked proudly upon my half organised laundry cupboard :)  Ok, so it's not quite a masterpiece yet, and it's not my entire home... but it's just the beginning. I can't upload pics to show you... my camera takes pics that are about 3 meg each, and too big to upload :(  You'll have to trust me!

And sadly, today I haven't actually done any further organising, I'm struggling to even get the dishes in the dishwasher today lol.  But I have managed to go to my favourite grocer's Tony Ale in Jandakot, where I used a voucher (a gift from my recent birthday) and purchased some yummy yummy things that I normally wouldn't purchase given our budget.  So thank you to Pete, Dora, Andy, Cass & Bec...for my marinated tiger prawns, the beetroot & spinach pasta, caramelised onion mmmm!

So my inspiration today?  Hmmm... stop blogging, get back into the laundry and get this house done baby!

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