Thursday, September 30, 2010

More precious than rubies...

10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
      She is more precious than rubies.
 11 Her husband can trust her,
      and she will greatly enrich his life.
 12 She brings him good, not harm,
      all the days of her life.

 Wow, talk about big shoes to fill.  I like the idea of being a virtuous and capable wife, more precious than rubies, greatly enriching my husband's life, bringing him good, not harm.  Honestly, I don't really see myself as that woman - yet.  I know there's potential in there somewhere, and I believe it can come out!  But how?

I guess I can do a half tick on one of those points, greatly enriching Big M's life... with a half tick I'd say it's enriching his life.  We have 3 beautiful children together, I'm sure he'd say that's a plus :)  Perhaps with this selection of scripture it's wise to work backwards.  In order to become the woman in verse 10, I need to work on 12, which makes 11, simple right?

Bring him good, not harm.  As a woman of God, I know that I am not always right, not really perfect... so I know that I haven't always brought my husband good... and probably have harmed him in some way.  But that's the beauty of God's grace isn't it?  He steps in and bridges that gap between humanity and perfection.  God helps me bring good to Big M, helps me do right by him, and gives grace to my hubby when in those times of weakness I'm not bringing the good.

Practically I see it as listening to Big M, really listening to him.  He is the head of the house after all.  He makes the final decision on things.  And frankly, I'm glad he does.  I don't want that "final" responsibility on some of our decisions. But in order to support him in those decisions, I really need to accept them & stick by them... not bending the rules when I feel like it.  By doing this "all the days of my life" I will become a trustworthy wife, greatly enriching his life, being worth far more than rubies, a virtuous & capable woman.

Challenge this week for me?  Support Big M.  Unconditionally.  Let's see what happens!

Inspiration for today?  I purchased a book last week, and it has totally inspired me to entertain more... throw parties, dinner parties, bbq's (when we get one), coffee dates with the girls... total inspiration... I'd just like to paint the house first lol!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Up for a dare?

I've been toying with the idea of studying Proverbs chapter 31... ooh... yes, you know the scripture, "THE WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER"  hmm... it is a little daring isn't it?  Set the challenge Lee, you can do it!  OK you've talked me into it :)  I will delve into each verse, and see what can happen in my life by aligning it with the Word of God.  You never know what could happen!  Ooh exciting.  So tomorrow I'll begin... lol, just like a diet?  NO!  I promise that my next blog (be it tomorrow or in the following few days) will rise to this challenge... let's see where it takes me.

If you're interested in what's been happening in our house this week though... well you don't really want to know... but I'll share anyway :)  We've all been a little "under the weather".  A friendly bug called Gastro has decided to come visit us, and has spent a little time with each family member, how generous.  The only two people in this house who didn't receive a visit were my cousin & her newborn baby who were staying with us, thank you Jesus the little bubby didn't catch it!  And they moved out into their own home yesterday... sniff sniff... they will be missed, but are not too far away so we can catch up a little more often than we had over the past few years.

We've had some entertaining moments during our eventful week, and are looking forward to church tomorrow where Mr R and Mr F are performing an item during the service, they're singing 2 songs with actions, cute factor 10+, really can't wait to see that... mental note, remember camera for church tomorrow.  I'm also playing the keys & songleading, so it will be a juggle to take pics then jump back on the keys for the worship... I'm sure I'll be fine, as long as I don't totally stack it on stage in front of everyone... here's hoping.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, lovely Sunday

Sunday.  Often the most tiring day of the week, for our family anyway.  Also the most rewarding day of the week.  I guess that's why they say "no work, no reward".  Who says that?  I don't know, but it does sound like something "they" would say. Who's they?  No one really knows... I believe it's just us making something up & by saying "they say" instead of "I think" and hope that it makes it far more credible.

Ps Dan Sheik preached at church this morning.  Fantastic.  It was all about being self righteous.  How being righteous in our own right shows us exactly how far away from true righteousness we are.  How we need to stop trying to attain righteousness ourselves and finding it in God instead.  Brilliant.  Home truths?  Yes.  Learn anything?  Yes.  Inspired?  Yes.  Get over yourself Lee, go to God - you need him far more than you need your own approval.  It's sad how blind we can get to what's really going on in our hearts isn't it?

Mr R hasn't been well.  He was up vomiting last night, and again this morning.  He's not been himself today, and has had a fever & been almost delirious at one point.  Not sure what's going on there.  Little D is off to the Dr for her 12mth needles tomorrow :(  Mr F is healthy & happy, and totally totally cute, loving him so much more everyday.  He's at the age where they really start showing more of their true character.  He's really quite soft.... and I love the fact that if I'm right, he agrees, in fact he says "you were right Mummy, I was wrong" so humble, such a teachable attitude - amidst the tantrums lol.

Super hubby & dad, Big M, stayed home from church today to look after Mr R and Little D.  He also continued with my work - organising the laundry.  We're almost finished in there now.  Just a shelf to put up & some junk to throw out.  I bought some flooring off ebay for the laundry, so now that it's clean we can actually have a laundry floor - solid bamboo timber - the best quality flooring in the whole house will be in the laundry.  They were selling 20m2 for $40!  Perfect.  If only all bamboo flooring was that price!  Now Big M just has to figure out how to lay it!

What do you do with your God Ideas?  Not your good ideas, but the ideas you feel are from God.  I have something I need to do.  Two somethings actually.  Do you put them off?  I'm a procrastinator from way back.  I think God is still trying to coax me out of it.  One of the reasons I'm writing this blog is to keep myself accountable in this aspect.  So watch this space and see what happens next!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Operation Organisation!

Lee, your mission should you choose to accept it, is to FINALLY organise your home.  Gasp!  Seriously?  Is it possible?  I don't know for sure, but yesterday I embarked on my first few steps to organising my home.  Finding some inspiration from my gorgeous friend Jess I went to Red Dot & purchased a whole lot of baskets... $100 later I looked proudly upon my half organised laundry cupboard :)  Ok, so it's not quite a masterpiece yet, and it's not my entire home... but it's just the beginning. I can't upload pics to show you... my camera takes pics that are about 3 meg each, and too big to upload :(  You'll have to trust me!

And sadly, today I haven't actually done any further organising, I'm struggling to even get the dishes in the dishwasher today lol.  But I have managed to go to my favourite grocer's Tony Ale in Jandakot, where I used a voucher (a gift from my recent birthday) and purchased some yummy yummy things that I normally wouldn't purchase given our budget.  So thank you to Pete, Dora, Andy, Cass & Bec...for my marinated tiger prawns, the beetroot & spinach pasta, caramelised onion mmmm!

So my inspiration today?  Hmmm... stop blogging, get back into the laundry and get this house done baby!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sew much for being inspired :(

Today I was inspired to get out the old sewing machine.  That's right, I can sew.  I used to be ok back in my late teens, I'd make dresses & pants and actually wore them in public!  My sewing machine was given to me, second hand, when I was 18... and when we moved house 5 years ago it was dropped on the ground by a "helpful" family friend, and I've been dreading opening it up... until today.

Looking around my home, which is not finished off yet. I see walls that need painting, floors that need skirting, a laundry that needs flooring... but what could I do that is quick & cheap?  Yes!  I'll sew curtains.  I'm only wanting some soft gentle curtains to blow gently in the breeze... so out comes the sewing machine.  I turn it on. All seems well.  It runs!  Success!  I walk away to find some material to "brush up my skills", I found some funky Garfield & Odie fabric, yes, I'll make some cushions for the boys play area.  Walking back towards the sewing machine and what do I see?  Smoke flooding out from the motor :(  Yes smoke.  I have fried my sewing machine.  Determined NOT to give up, I talk Big M into taking us all down to the sewing shop, where my fear is confirmed, the machine is wayyyy beyond repair (or rather the budget to repair is wayyyy beyond our means).  So I'm now embarking on the hunt for a new sewing machine.  Still yearning to make curtains!

On a positive note, the second GP I took Little D to the other day diagnosed her with an ear infection & has prescribed anti-biotics.  So much happier now.  Don't think I'll ever go back to the first GP!

So yes, today inspired to make a home... discouraged along the way... inspired to get back on the horse as soon as a new machine is found (within budget!).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A day in the life of....

Why hello, welcome to the first blog... well the first blog of my third attempt at blogging... hmmm... will it work this time?  Will I stick with it?  Will there be any point?  Will I tire of it?  Well.... it's definitely worth a try, again :)  Do we have spell check here?

After reading blogs of others, I've been inspired myself to create this blog... not looking to inspire others, but to share the inspirations I've received, and to share how they've changed my life, major or minor.

Day One?  Spent carting my poor baby girl around to different doctors.  Little D is 12 months old, she's been unwell this week and after "hoping it will go away" I've taken her to the dr this morning, dissatisfied with his diagnosis I booked her in at another clinic for a second opinion.  God is so good when we need help, he gets us the appt with the super-dr whom I've loved for years but have not very often managed to actually book appointments with.  Hoping we'll have a diagnosis I'm happy with this afternoon.

Inspiration today?  Seeing my second eldest son in the waiting room at the clinic.  Mr F introduced himself to a man in his "silver years", and then continued to entertain and enthrall the other elders in the clinic with his conversation.  I realised how much they loved talking with him, especially since we are so aware of "stranger danger" these days.  One man actually thanked me for letting Mr F chat with him.  Thinking we may have to make some visits into nursing homes to share some of his joy.  I used to be apprehensive towards church ministry in nursing homes, but the more I think about it, and the more I see, the less apprehensive I am.  These people were my age once, all the hopes & dreams for their lives, and the lives of their children.  Now?  They're stuck, waiting... waiting... nothing really happening.  They're people who have the same humour as mine, the same intellect as my husband, the same love of all things God created... so why do I think there's nothing to talk about with them?  Mr F didn't appear to have any trouble.  Inspired by a 4yr old.  Awesome!