Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A change is as good as a holiday?

I love that phrase, I like to try to believe it.  This week it is true too!  Yesterday I was all inspired to rearrange my home theatre room... it's the only true adult room in the house, although there is a box of toys for Darby and two gorgeous white leather beanie chairs for the boys... it's the room where no toys (except Darby's) are allowed, the room where it's kept clean all the time... that's what we anticipated anyway lol.  I've been trying to stick to the rules, but it's currently the only room with a set top box on the tv (so we can get HD tv), and the boys looooove watching ABC2 in the afternoons, and if it keeps them happy while I'm cooking dinner, who am I to complain?  Until it's 8pm and I want to relax and the room is filled with toys, bowls from afternoon tea, crumbs from afternoon tea, dirty socks from school... ew!

So yes, yesterday I got in there and vacuumed.  Then rolled up the rug, rearranged the furniture.  Vacuumed again. Rearranged the furniture again.  Vacuumed yet again.  Decided it was good, and sat down, hot, sweaty, but very happy with the result.  I was all inspired to vacuum and mop the hard floors today, then rearrange the living area... but I've met with some opposition.  There's a pile of clothes & miscellaneous in the front hallway... abandoned by my husband when he was cleaning out his part of the wardrobe the other night.  Oh well, time to sit back and enjoy my "holiday" in the theatre :)

Now back to my challenge for the week, to wake before the family and prepare breakfast... how did I go?  Well the first day I beaten to it, as Big M had baked muffins the night before, and the kids had ravenously devoured them while I was still trying to clear my foggy head... I still managed to get weetbix for Little D though :)  I can't say I have succeeded for the remainder of the week, although the early mornings (even when the kids have woken before me), are serving me well.  I've been achieving far more in the home than usual, and have been feeling more accomplished as a wife.  So I might continue this challenge for another week to see where we end up!

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