Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can you ever be too inspired? Um.. yes

Well it has been a while hasn't it?  We've been unwell if you didn't know... for the past 3.5 weeks we've been inundated with gastro, colds and lucky for me an ear infection resulting in a perforated ear drum, oh yay!  So please excuse my lack of energy to blog :(

Today has been the first in many that I have felt the energy to get things done, to get out there and make things, to buy things, to bake things, to clean things, to organise things, to build things, to photograph things, to print things... oh dear... I think I have become over inspired!  I've been catching up on other friend's blogs, thinking, ooh I love this that they've made, I wonder if I could... ohh I love that photo, maybe I should get my camera out... ooh I love what they made for dinner, I'll have to break the budget this week to try it... argh!  So yes, I do think it is possible to become too inspired.  I realised that I cannot do everything.  Honestly, I cannot.  What I need to do is focus on my family, what our needs are first, and then when I have spare time to let my creativity blossom (within budget lol).

So, I did allow myself to make some candles yesterday, I've had feathering palm wax just sitting in my laundry at home, taking up space, and of course it needed to be cleared... so I made a couple of pillar candles. These are the first pillar candles I've made, I normally make soy container candles (and usually in quite quirky containers found at the local salvo store). I have to admit, I'm surprised at how well they turned out...

Now I'm inspired to make lots for Christmas gifts... so my loved ones, you know what to expect :)  Until the budget allows me to purchase further supplies, I must put my hand to something else... curtain making? No budget again... I have it!  Mr R's birthday cupcakes for school!  Not so budget dependent, yay!

So, how's my life application of the "wife of noble character" going?  (silence lol) I'm glad you asked!  I've been trying to support Big M in all his decisions, but it's rather easy to do so when one is lying on the couch unwell.  So this week there is a new task... here's the scripture

13 She finds wool and flax
      and busily spins it.
 14 She is like a merchant’s ship,
      bringing her food from afar.
 15 She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household
      and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.

Oh dear... is this part of my "too much inspiration" issue?  No, not really. I do purchase items to make things from at home... (and in the following scriptures there is more detail about handling money)... I love to try new dishes, food styles from other lands, although I do try to buy local, supporting our local farmers & businesses :)  

It's the next part of the scripture I'm having trouble with... getting up before dawn to prepare breakfast for my household?  Hmm... at the moment, Big M leaves the home at 6am to get to work... do I need to get up before him to make him breakfast?  I have no worries in making breakky for the kids, although they usually get up before I do, I just went over the rule this morning actually, "mummy does not get up until 7, do not make loud noise until after the clock says 7"... the boys usually pop a dvd on, they like to wake at 6am now that the sun is up then thanks to all those people who voted against daylight saving, grrr, lol, just kidding, I don't blame you.  As for planning the day's work for my servant girls, well that's non existent... I'm the servant girl!  I already know what I need to get done... maybe that can by my inspiration this week... search out a couple of servant girls lol!

No, I guess the first part of verse 15 is my challenge for the week, my "inspiration"?  Yeah... ok... YEAH... YES!!! Alright, I'm actually excited about it now... aiming to get up even before hubby, and prepare breakfast for the whole family!  It is indeed a challenge.  I'll let you know how we go!

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